Effect of Applying Nursing Care Bundle about Urinary Catheter Infection on Nurses Knowledge, Practices and Children Outcomes -

Document Type : Original Article


1 Pediatric nursing faculty of nursing mansoura university

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt


Background: infections of the urinary system associated with Catheterization (CAUTIs) are infection caused by constant use of renal catheters, as a result of an extended hospital stay. As a vital issue for hospitals worldwide, avoiding the spread of (CAUTI) in pediatrics patients is dependent on the care bundle employed to minimize PICU-acquired UTIs. Aim: Evaluate the effect of applying nursing care bundle about urinary catheter infection on nurse's knowledge, practice and children outcome. Setting: A quasi-experimental design was adopted in one group (pre/posttest). The research was done out at Mansoura University Children's Hospital's pediatric intensive care unit. Subjects: The study's subjects included 65 nurses of both sexes working in the aforementioned study settings, as well as a convenience sample of 65 children in the PICU. Tools: 1: Structured Questionnaire Sheet (pre, posttest) II: Nurses' Practice about Urinary Catheter and CAUTI Care Bundle (pre, posttest). III: Child health assessment Results: The median ratings of nurses' total knowledge and practice improved with a statistically significant distinction (P< 0.001) in the post intervention phase when compared to the pre intervention phase; furthermore positive symptoms and signs suggesting CAUTI were more evident in the pre intervention phase compared to the post intervention phases Conclusion: The nurses' knowledge and practice of pediatrics outcomes improved following the deployment of the care bundles compared to pre. Recommendations: Regular continued education courses for nurses should emphasize the relevance of the CAUTI care bundle strategy and how it is implemented.


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