The Relation between Emotional Intelligence, Communication Skills, and Caring Behaviors among Staff Nurses at Main Mansoura University Hospital

Document Type : Original Article


1 nursing administration department, faculty of nursing, Mansoura University

2 Nursing Administration , Mansoura Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura, Egypt


Background: Nursing sectors represent the most of health care organizations and have a direct contact with patient and provide full required nursing care in professional manner. Nurses possess abilities like emotional intelligence, communication skills, and caring behaviors that enable them to effectively promote patient safety, health and wellbeing while adhering to professional roles and responsibilities. Aim: To examine the relation between emotional intelligence, communication skills and caring behaviors among staff nurses at Main Mansoura University Hospital. Design: A descriptive correlational design was utilized. Sample: 250 staff nurses from inpatient unites at Main Mansoura University Hospital. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection namely, Emotional Intelligence Scale, Health Professionals Communication Skills Scale and Caring Behaviors Inventory. Results: More than half of the studied staff nurses had a high level of emotional intelligence. Most of the studied staff nurses have a high level of communication skills and caring behaviors. Conclusion: The current study concluded that, there’s was a statistically significant correlation between emotional intelligence, health professionals’ communication skills and caring behaviors among the studied staff nurses at Main Mansoura University Hospital. Recommendations: The hospital manager incorporate emotional intelligence, communication skills and caring behaviors assessments as part of the recruitment and selection process for nurses. Create opportunities for continuing education and professional development for staff nurses to improve their emotional intelligence, communication skills and caring behaviors which will improve the quality of care and services.


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