New Graduated Nurses´ Knowledge about Patient Safety at Main Mansoura University Hospital

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing Specialist, Training and Continuing Education Team, at Mansoura University Hospital,

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing - Mansoura University,

3 Assistance Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing - Mansoura University.


Background: The orientation program raises the degree of knowledge that newly graduated nurses need to provide
better patient care and safety. This study aimed to assess the level of patient safety knowledge held by new graduated
nurses at Main Mansoura University Hospital. Design: The study used a quasi-experimental research design. Setting:
Main Mansoura University Hospital's departments participated in the study. Subject: All newly graduated nurses (n =
80) who were on duty at the Main Mansoura University Hospital at the time of data collection were included in the
study. Tool: Orientation program Knowledge test about patient safety. Results: After three months of the program, the
largest percentage of recently graduated nurses (98.8%) had a satisfactory level of understanding. However, the lowest
percentage (42.5%) of them had inadequate pre-program knowledge, and there was statistically significant variation in
the newly graduated nurses' levels of patient safety knowledge throughout the training program at (Q / p 45.39/0.000**).
Conclusion: the post immediately and after three months follow-up phases following the implementation of the
orientation program have effectively increased the newly graduated nurses' knowledge regarding patient safety in
hospitals. Recommendations: development of formal education programs and the continuous upgrading of newly
graduated nurses' knowledge about patient safety.
