Effect of Aging Educational Program on Nursing Students’ Knowledge, Ageism Attitude and Gerascophobia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Bsc. Nursing, Mansoura University,

2 Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University,

3 Assist. Prof. Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Gerontological Nursing department


Background: Nursing students are a critical force in shaping the future where older adults thrive. Nursing students’
limited aging knowledge, negative ageist attitudes and fear of aging are serious concerns which necessitates targeted
interventions to attract future generations of geriatric care field. Aim: Evaluate the effect of aging educational program
on nursing students’ knowledge, ageism attitude and gerascophobia. Method: A Quasi-experimental (pre & post)
research design was used. Sample: One hundred and five nursing students selected from the technical institute of
nursing, Mansoura University, by cluster sampling technique. Tools: Four tools were used to collect the data. Tool I:
Demographic Data Structured Questionnaire. Tool II: Nursing Students’ Aging Knowledge Structured Questionnaire.
Tool III: The Ageism Attitude Scale. Tool IV: Fear of Aging (Gerascophobia) Questionnaire. Results: A highly
statistically significant difference in nursing students’ aging knowledge, ageism attitude and gerascophobia after than
before the implementation of the proposed program was observed. Conclusion: Aging educational program has a
positive effect in improving nursing students aging knowledge, decreasing ageist attitude and reducing fear of aging.
Recommendations: Designing aging educational programs for the students in other different specialties to enhance their
aging knowledge to be capable of providing an efficient nursing care. Encouraging nursing students to attend training
workshops and scientific events in gerontology to update their knowledge and maintain more positive attitudes.
Distribution of the developed educational booklet on caregivers and other members of the multidisciplinary team to
contribute to better quality of older adult's care.
