Training of Diabetic Patients on the Safe Disposal of Household Sharps

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc. Faculty of Nursing, Menofyia University, Egypt

2 Professor, Community Health Nursing department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt

3 lecturer, Community Health Nursing department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt


Diabetes is one of the most significant global health emergencies of the 21st century. In Egypt, about 16 million insulin
injection devices were used daily by 8.9 million adult diabetics. The improper disposal of these sharps poses many
environmental and public health risks. Therefore, the current study aimed to train diabetic patients on the safe disposal of
household sharps. Through a one-group pre-posttest quasi-experimental study design, 38 diabetic patients were recruited
conveniently from Kafr El-Salahat Unit, Dakahlia Governorate. The investigators identified diabetic patients'
demographic and economic characteristics, health history, and issues related to household sharps, and assessed their
knowledge regarding diabetes mellitus, household sharps, and self-reported practices regarding safe disposal of household
sharps through a four-part self-administrated structured questionnaire. Results declare that there were statistically
significant differences in mean scores of total knowledge, and total self-reported practice pre- and post-training sessions
P≤0.001. Also, there was a statistically significant positive correlation (p≤ 0.001) between total knowledge, and total selfreported
practice scores post-training sessions. The investigators conclude that there is an improvement in the diabetic
patients' knowledge and self-reported practice after the implementation of the training sessions. Finally, the investigators
recommend adopting the developed training session related to the safe disposal of households' sharps to be utilized in
primary health care settings. Further studies are needed to explore other contributing issues related to the safe disposal of household sharps.
