Relation between Workforce Agility and Managerial Decision Making with Organizational Intelligence at Main Mansoura University Hospital

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University


Background: Organizational intelligence is a combination of all skills that organizations need and use; it
enables managers to make sound decisions and improve the effectiveness of the existing informational systems in
achieving organizational goals and result in workforce agility. Aim: To investigate the relationship between the
workforce agility and managerial decision making with the organizational intelligence at Main Mansoura University
Hospital. Subjects and methods: Descriptive correlational design was used. Three tools were used for data collection;
Workforce Agility Scale, Managerial Decision-Making Questionnaire and Organizational Intelligence Questionnaire.
Results: Highly statistically significant relation, between workforce agility and overall items of organizational
intelligence, while no statistically significant relation between total and overall types of managerial decision and all
items of organizational intelligence. More than half of studied sample reported moderate level of workforce agility,
majority of them reported satisfactory level about types of managerial decision and more than half of them reported
acceptable condition of organizational intelligence. Conclusion: Highly statistically significant relation between
workforce agility and overall items of organizational intelligence, while no statistically significant relationship between
total and overall types of managerial decision and all items of organizational intelligence. Recommendations: Adopt
change policies that improve an organization's ability to mobilize individuals to support environmental reforms and
increase the organization ability to use and mobilize brain power that facilitate mission achievement through adopting
experts, workshops and educational lectures.
