The Relationship between Learning Styles and Self-Efficacy with Critical Thinking Disposition among Technical Institute Nursing Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 nursing admnistration, faculty of nursing, mansoura university

2 Professor of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.

3 Lecturer of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt


Background: Understanding the various styles of learning that are used by nursing students also is important so that
educators can adapt their mode of teaching to meet the needs of the students. In addition to learning styles, it is important
for educators to understand critical thinking dispositions and advocates matching teaching methods to student’s learning
styles. Aim: To determine the relationship between learning styles and self-efficacy with critical thinking disposition
among technical institute nursing students. Design: A descriptive correlational design was utilized. Sample: 324
students at Technical Institute of Nursing-Mansoura University. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection namely,
Students’ Learning Styles, Student Self-Efficacy Scale, and California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI).
Results: Most of nursing students reported that they prefer visual learning style that followed by auditory preference and
finally kinesthetic/ tactile preference. The majority of nursing students reported to high self-efficacy, and they had the
highest percentage of truth-seeking dimension and followed by self-confidence. Conclusion: The current study
concluded that, there’s no relationship between nursing students’ learning styles, self-efficacy, and critical thinking
disposition except self-efficacy with truth seeking that was statistically significant correlation. Recommendations:
Combine leaning activities that support nursing students in developing self-efficacy and motivate students to promote
CTDs for problem solving and decision making in personal as well as professional life and developed further studies in
other faculties of nursing to generalize.
