Effect of Compression Garment and Low Intensity Exercise on Upper Limb Function and Lymphedema among Post-Mastectomy Women: A quasiexperimental Two Arm Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing Department, Mansoura University, Egypt.

2 medical surgical nursing department ,faculty of nursing ,mansoura university


Background: Lymphedema is one of the riskiest and most prevalent complications post-mastectomy that interfere upper
limb function which negatively affect their quality of life. Aim: Evaluate the effect of compression garment (CG) along
with shoulder exercise on reducing lymphedema and enhancing upper limb function among post mastectomy women.
Method: Research design: A quasi experimental research design with a control group was used. Subjects: A total of
120 women with breast cancer were evenly and randomly allocated to the intervention and control group. Women in the
interventional arm were directed to apply compression garmet during exercise for six months post operatively. The
control group received routine hospital postoperative care. Tools: 1. Demographic and health relevant form, 2. Shoulder
Pain and Disability index questionnaire, 3. Shoulder flexibility and grip strength, 4. lymphedema and arm circumference
scale. Results: At a 6-month interval, the occurrence of lymphedema was markedly lower in the intervention group (p =
0.000) compared to their control and there were statistically significant differences between study groups as regard
shoulder pain and upper limb function (p=0.000). Conclusion: Post mastectomy exercises combined with compression
garment is very effective in preventing lymphedema and improving upper limb function in post-mastectomized women.
Recommendations and Relevance to clinical practice: Low-intensity exercises and compression garment is a safe,
effective, non-invasive method that should be incorporated into the management of post-mastectomy patients to prevent lymphedema and enhance upper limb function.
