Experience of Women with First Time Placenta Previa

Document Type : Original Article


1 Head nurse at Mansoura University Hospitals, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt

2 Lecturer of Woman's Health and Midwifery Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt

3 Professor of Woman's Health and Midwifery Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt


Background: Inadequate antenatal preparations and lack of knowledge and experience are the most frequent problems
faced pregnant women with high risk pregnancy such as placenta previa. This study aimed to gain insight into women's
experience with first time placenta previa. Research design: A descriptive cross-sectional designs was utilized in this
study. Subjects and method: A purposive sample of 153 women with first time placenta previa in Obstetric and
Gynecological departments at Mansoura University Hospitals, El- Mansoura City, Dakhalia Governorate, Egypt. Tools
of data collection: Two tools were utilized for data collection. Tool one: Sociodemographic and reproductive
characteristics. Tool two: Pregnant women's knowledge and experience concerning placenta previa. These tools
developed by the researcher. Results: Two thirds of women experienced sadness and worry as the first reaction when
they knew they had placenta previa, but at the end most of them adapted as a result of increase knowledge by
obstetrician. Most of them received support from their mothers and husbands. Conclusion: Majority of studied women
were satisfied with healthcare receiving in outpatient and inward, and adapted with placenta previa at the current time of
pregnancy. Recommendations: Enhance communication between maternity care providers and women with placenta
previa to facilitate the women adaptation and increase awareness of the women about placenta previa. Further
researcher: Effect of educational programs on pregnant women`s experience regarding placenta previa.
