Effectiveness of an Educational Program Regarding Care of Infants with Chest Tube on Nurses' Knowledge and Practice

Document Type : Original Article


1 Registered Nurse at Pediatric Hospital, Mansoura University, Egypt)

2 Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt)


Background: Chest tube is a widely applied postoperative treatment of the respiratory and cardiothoracic problems. A
chest tube can be a life-saving intervention for infants suffering from a pneumothorax, bloody effusion and hemothorax.
However, it is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Aim: this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of
an educational program regarding care of infants with chest tube on nurses' knowledge and practice. Method: A quasiexperimental
research design was conducted on a sample of 50 nurses worked at pediatric surgical & cardiothoracic
intensive care units (PCICU) of Mansoura University Children's Hospital (MUCH). Tools: A Structured Questionnaire
Sheet for nurses' knowledge &nurses’ practice for caring for infants with chest tube observational checklist. Results: the
majority of the studied nurses had good knowledge and most of them had competent practice after implementation of an
educational program with a highly statistically significant difference. Conclusion: There was an improvement in the
nurses' knowledge and practice after implementation of the educational program. Recommendations: In-services, up to
date and regular training programs to improve nurses' knowledge and practices regarding care of infants with chest tube.
Further studies are recommended to repeat this study on a large sample size and on a wide scale in various governorates
of Egypt.


Main Subjects