Effect of Case-Based Learning Approach on Technical Nursing Students' Knowledge about Applying Evidence-Based Practice

Document Type : Original Article


1 community health nursing department, faculty of nursing Mansoura university

2 Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.


Background: Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) implementation is the future challenge of health care services. Case-
Based Learning (CBL) is an efficient teaching method that is known to be a more general class of inquiry and discovery
learning. CBL generally involves public scenarios aligned with defined learning outcomes that possess an educational
value that stimulates interest, produces empathy with the characters, and typically has general applicability. Aim: To
investigate the effect of implementing CBL on developing EBP knowledge among students in Technical Institutes of
Nursing. Method: A quasi-experimental study design was conducted among (66) technical nursing students who
attended the community health nursing course in the second year. Results: The findings showed a statistically significant
increase in nursing students' knowledge with a mean of 23.35±2.95 marks and 27.21±2.08 marks immediately post and
after two months of CBL sessions’ implementation; respectively. Students’ knowledge was increased in EBP steps
related to asking answerable, acquiring research, and appraising research. Conclusion: Applying the CBL as an
educational method was highly influential in improving the students' level of knowledge regarding EBP.


Main Subjects