Document Type : Original Article


Community Health Nursing, Aga Central Hospital, Dakahlia, Egypt


of infection. For that, protecting staff and patients from infection is vital.Therefore, all staff who may have to use personal protective equipment PPE must be knowledgeable about all aspects related to PPE use, wearing and removal. Aim: The aim of this study is to assess health care providers knowledge about personal protective measures. Methods: A cross sectional study design was utilized. One hundred thirty of HCP (54 physicians, 44 nurses, 6 head nurses, 20 technicians, 6 cleaners) were selected from Student University Hospital in Mansoura including; (emergent department, clinics, and laboratories).Tools: Two tools were used for data collection: Demographic& occupational self-administered questionnaire including (age, sex, education, years of experience, nature of work), self-administered questionnaire sheet to assess studied HCP knowledge regarding infection control related PPE. Results: This study showed poor score level of HCP knowledge regarding PPE in studied setting. Conclusion: This study concluded that HCP's knowledge regarding PPE were poor due to lack of adherence to the infection control related universal precautions. Recommendations: study recommended continuous education and training program of HCP to improve and update their knowledge.


Main Subjects